Professor Shelley McKeown Jones
PhD, BSc
Current positions
Honorary Professor
School of Education
Press and media
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Research interests
I am a social psychologist whose research focuses broadly on understanding how to improve intergroup relations in diverse and conflict settings, particularly for youth growing up in deeply divided societies. I use a combination of survey, observational, behavioural, and experimental methods to tackle both basic and applied research questions. I am particularly interested in collaborative field research that applies social psychological theory to shape practice on the ground.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Dancing Cities: Virtual Reality Postcards (AHRC IAA)
Principal Investigator
This project will draw on McCormack's previous publications and research exploring collaborative co-creation processes, site-specific choreographic practices and the potential for creative activity to invite dialogue and build connection to…Managing organisational unit
Department of TheatreDates
01/04/2024 to 13/01/2025
Shared Spaces: The how, when and why of adolescent intergroup interactions
Principal Investigator
The Shared Spaces Project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, explores the factors that influence whether or not young people in the UK choose to interact with people…Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/03/2021 to 29/02/2024
8109- BA Small Grant - Shelley McKeown - SRG19/191362
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/01/2020 to 30/09/2022
The changing landscape: diverse friendships and the effects of contextual diversity on youth outcomes
Principal Investigator
Within many Western countries and especially in the UK, the social landscape is becoming increasingly ethnically and racially diverse. In 2015, approximately 19% of the resident population in the United…Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/10/2017 to 31/03/2020
The diversity effect: intergroup interactions and the impact of diversity on young people's attitudes and academics
Principal Investigator
Our PASE member, Dr Shelley McKeown Jones is leading the ESRC funded project on diversity. Multiculturalism is a feature of almost every society and yet the value of diversity…Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/01/2017 to 31/12/2018
Thesis supervisions
Second Language Motivation of Senior Secondary Students in Shadow Education of English Language in Hong Kong
A longitudinal examination of occupational aspirations in middle childhood and adolescence
Cyberbullying among youths in Hong Kong, Macao and Guangzhou
Not Giving Up
Exploring the relationships between learning experiences, cultural identity, social value orientation, and learning preferences
Growing up Between Cultures
Assessment “Made in Chile”
Exploring the influence of tracking moving objects on declarative learning through video games
The C-test as a Second Language Proficiency Estimate and Screening Test in Turkish
Recent publications
01/01/2025The Longitudinal Effects of Intergroup Contact on Youth Attitudes Towards Ethnic Minorities and Constructive Societal Engagement
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
High Conflict Societies
Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Second Edition
In Social Psychology: Foundations, Advances and Applications
Occupational Aspirations and Academic Achievement
Journal of Social Issues
Promoting youth intergroup contact in a postaccord society
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology