Professor George Leckie
B.Sc., MSc, PHD(Bristol)
I carry out methodological and applied quantitative research of secondary data in education and other social and health sciences, especially multilevel modelling of linked administrative data.
Current positions
Professor of Social Statistics
School of Education
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My methodological interests are in the development, application and dissemination of multilevel, longitudinal, and dyadic data models to analyse educational and other administrative and survey data. My substantive interests focus on design, analysis, and communication issues surrounding school performance measures and league tables, especially the use of value-added models for estimating school effects on student achievement for accountability and choice purposes.
I was awarded the Frances Wood Medal in the Royal Statistical Society's 2017 honours for my contributions to Social Statistics over the past 10 years, especially my school league table research.
I am currently principal investigator on an ESRC secondary data analysis initiative grant looking at the 2020 GCSE and A-level 'exam grades fiasco'. Previously, I held an ESRS Standard grant, an ESRC Future Research Leaders grant and have been a co-investigator on four other substantial ESRC and MRC grants as well as Swedish and Belgium research council grants.
My first-authored research includes publications in leading applied statistics journals: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A; Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics; Journal of Educational Measurement; Journal of Statistical Software; and Psychological Methods; as well as substantive educational journals: British Educational Research Journal; School Effectiveness and Improvement.
Research interests
I am a Professor of Social Statistics and Co-Director of the Centre for Multilevel Modelling (CMM) at the School of Education, University of Bristol, UK.
My methodological interests are in the development, application and dissemination of multilevel, longitudinal, and dyadic data models to analyse educational and other administrative and survey data. My substantive interests focus on design, analysis, and communication issues surrounding school performance measures and league tables, especially the use of value-added models for estimating school effects on student achievement for accountability and choice purposes.
I was awarded the Frances Wood Medal in the Royal Statistical Society's 2017 honours for my contributions to Social Statistics over the past 10 years, especially my school league table research.
I am currently principal investigator on an ESRC secondary data analysis initiative grant looking at the 2020 GCSE and A-level 'exam grades fiasco'. Previously, I held an ESRS Standard grant, an ESRC Future Research Leaders grant and have been a co-investigator on four other substantial ESRC and MRC grants as well as Swedish and Belgium research council grants.
My first-authored research includes publications in leading applied statistics journals: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A; Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics; Journal of Educational Measurement; Journal of Statistical Software; and Psychological Methods; as well as substantive educational journals: British Educational Research Journal; School Effectiveness and Improvement.
My co-authored research includes publications in further applied statistics journals: Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation; Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics; Sociological Methodology; Statistics in Medicine; and Statistical Methods in Medical Research; and other top substantive journals: American Journal of Epidemiology; American Sociological Review; Criminology; Developmental Psychology; Journal of Management Studies; Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.
I have taught over 70 multilevel modelling short courses across UK, Europe, Australia and US.
Research grantsI have been grant funded 40% of my time over the period 2010/11 through 2023/24. My grants as Principal Investigator sum to £1 million while my grants as Co-Investigator sum to £7 million.
Current grants
- 2023-2026 Understanding intersectionality: developing intersectional quantitative methods, with applications to health inequalities and social mobility. ESRC Embedding methodological development in social science research: 2022. £827,000, Co-Investigator.
- 2022-2026 The role of sample characteristics in the stability of value-added estimates of school effects: sample size, student mobility and sample heterogeneity. The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), £200,000, Co-Investigator.
- 2021-2023 The 2020 GCSE and A-level 'exam grades fiasco': A secondary data analysis of students' grades and Ofqual's algorithm, ESRC Secondary Data Analysis grant, £299,000, Principal Investigator.
Past grants
- 2018-2021 How should we measure school performance and hold schools accountable? A study of competing statistical methods and how they compare to Progress 8, ESRC Standard Grant, £467,000, Principal Investigator.
- 2018-2021 Multilevel Analyses of Individual Heterogeneity: innovative concepts and methodological approaches in Public Health and Social Epidemiology, Swedish Research Council, £437,000, Co-Investigator.
- 2016-2019 Modelling within-individual variation in repeated continuous exposures £398,000 Co-Investigator.
- 2013-2018 The development of cooperation in relationships: Protective processes for children vulnerable to mental health problems, Canadian Institute of Health Research, £274,000, Co-Investigator.
- 2012-2018 The impact of family relationships on children's developmental health: Child versus context effects, £50,000, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Co-Investigator
- 2013-2017 eBooks: The use of interactive electronic-books in the teaching and application of modern quantitative methods in the social sciences, ESRC, £786,000, Co-Investigator.
- 2013-2015 Multilevel modelling of the Government's new school performance measures, 'Floor Standards' Target and 'Narrowing the Gap' Priority, ESRC, £207,000, Principal-Investigator.
- 2011-2015 LEMMA 3: Longitudinal effects, multilevel modelling and applications, ESRC, £1,393,000, Co-Investigator.
- 2009-2012 e-STAT: National Centre for E-social Science Quantitative Node, ESRC, £1,100,000, Co-Investigator.
- 2008-2011 LEMMA 2: STRUCTURES for building, learning, applying and computing statistical models, ESRC, £1,200,000, Co-Investigator.
I have published 80 journal articles resulting in 4278 Google Scholar citations and an h-index of 35 (as of April 2023).
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Refining and embedding the Intersectional "MAIHDA" approach to intersectionality in quantitative social science research
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/09/2023 to 31/08/2026
Understanding intersectionality: developing intersectional quantitative methods, with applications to health inequalities and social mobility
Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/09/2023 to 31/08/2026
The role of sample characteristics in the stability of value-added estimates of school effects: sample size, student mobility and sample heterogeneity
Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/01/2022 to 31/12/2026
The 2020 GCSE and A-level exams fiasco: A secondary data analysis of Ofqual teacher and moderated grades
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/10/2021 to 30/09/2023
How should we measure school performance and hold schools accountable? A study of competing statistical methods and how they compare to Progress 8
Principal Investigator
In 2016, the Department for Education radically overhauled their secondary school accountability system and introduced 'Progress 8', arguing it to be the simplest and fairest school performance measure to date.…Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
24/09/2018 to 30/09/2022
Thesis supervisions
A Study of Interprovincial Migration in China Using Extended Gravity Models
The evolution of educational access, quality, and gender inequalities in the public education sector in Punjab, Pakistan
Teacher effectiveness in the Indian context
A critical realist analysis of COVID-19 pandemic policy enactment in English secondary schools
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms
Statistical Methods for Investigating the Ethnic Achievement Gap in Colombia
How can we best understand mental health in the UK?
School and teacher effectiveness of senior high schools in western China
Open To All, Accessible by Few
The C-test as a Second Language Proficiency Estimate and Screening Test in Turkish
Recent publications
27/03/2024Feeding Hungry Families
Feeding Hungry Families
Feeding Hungry Families
Feeding Hungry Families
An analysis of intersectional disparities in alcohol consumption in the US
Social Science & Medicine
A tutorial for conducting intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA)
SSM - Population Health
Clarifications on the Intersectional MAIHDA Approach
Social Science and Medicine
My teaching is distinctive in that I deliver training and capacity building in introductory through to advanced quantitative methods. I do this for both post-graduate students and researchers (academic and non-academic) and I do this across the social, behavioural and medical sciences (nationally and internationally).
I have taught over 70 multilevel modelling short courses across UK, Europe, Australia and US.