Dr Sarah Mclaughlin
EDD, PG Cert, PGCE, MSc, BA (Hons)
Current positions
Bristol Medical School (THS)
Press and media
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Sarah is a qualified teacher in post compulsory education and higher academic practice, who has taught sociology, educational theory and marketing in further and higher education. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and her research areas include creative methods, education, social class, intersectionality and social justice.
Research interests
Working title: “Educating the Ritas - Social class, gender, and identity change:
A case study into the lived experiences of mature female students on an Access to Higher Education course, through a feminist standpoint epistemology”
Recent publications
09/02/2024How to...deconstruct the research paradigm: supporting the non-social scientist researching in medical education
Clinical Teacher
Using Bourdieu’s concept of habitus to explore higher education decision-making for working class women on an access to higher education course
Studies in the Education of Adults
Using Play-Doh to teach creative data collection
Medical Education
When I say … positionality
Medical Education
Working class women on Access to HE courses two decades apart - A comparative analysis of risk, opportunity and (re)constructing identities across a 20 year period
Society for Research into Higher Education International Research Conference
Educating the Ritas
Award date
Sarah is the Co-Lead for the MSc. Health Professions Education, Foundations in Medical Education Programme Lead, Unit lead for Contemporary Issues, and lecturer in Theory and Practice of Teaching, Assessmet and Evaluation, Clinical Based Education and Research Methods.