Dr Sarah Allsop
MBChB (Birm.), BMedSci (Intercal hons, Class I), MRCPCH, PGCert Med Ed (Bris.), SFHEA, FAcadMEd
Medical academic, with 12 years’ teaching and leadership experience in medical and anatomy education, and a background as an NHS doctor. She is a specialist in curriculum review leadership, development and design.
Current positions
Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Bristol Medical School (THS)
Press and media
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Her interests are grounded in medical education theory and how using innovations and developments in teaching can promote student engagement and well-being. Following on from her Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education, she is currently pursuing her doctorate in Medical Education. Sarah is an experienced external examiner and has held leadership positions with external professional organisations including the British Association of Clinical Anatomists and the British Medical Association.
Research interests
As a Senior Lecturer on the Teaching and Scholarship Pathway at Bristol, I am passionate not only about the delivery of excellent teaching, but also about consistent development of the student learning experience based on the latest advances in teaching practice.
Through my curriculum development work, I have developed a particular research interest in curriculum review processes and the effect of innovations on student engagement, motivation and attitude to assessment. I am currently undertaking a PhD in Medical Education to further this work.
I am also passionate about supporting others to develop their education research skills, supporting colleagues and students with education research projects locally at Bristol Medical School, at the Centre for Health Sciences Education Research Workstream, as a member of the Faculty of Health Sciences Student Research Ethics Committee and as an Associate for Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching (2021-22).
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Bristol Institute of Learning and Teaching Critical Friend 2022-23
Principal Investigator
A critical friend is assigned to each Education Development Projects and BILT Associates. Critical friends check in on assigned projects/associates approximately 2 or 3 times across the course of the…Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (THS)Dates
01/09/2022 to 31/07/2023
Co-Lead Bristol Medical School Education Research Group
Co-Principal Investigator
New group set up to foster a supportive community of medical education research at Bristol Medical School, UKManaging organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (THS)Dates
Bristol Institute of Learning and Teaching Associate 2021-22
Principal Investigator
This opportunity is open to academic and professional services staff from across the University who have a passion for exploring and evaluating effective pedagogic innovations in the identified theme areas.…Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (THS)Dates
04/10/2021 to 29/07/2022
Children are not small adults: The anatomical differences between the adult and paediatric upper airway and their clinical implications
Principal Investigator
BSc Applied Anatomy 3rd year dissertation research project supervisionManaging organisational unit
School of AnatomyDates
04/10/2021 to 31/05/2022
The underlying anatomy principles of hand position in cardiopulmonary resuscitation:Investigating the efficacy of the current recommendations for hand position during out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)
Principal Investigator
BSc Applied Anatomy 3rd year dissertation research project supervisionManaging organisational unit
School of AnatomyDates
04/10/2021 to 30/05/2022
Selected publications
02/12/2024Education is essential for implementing the NHS workforce plan
Every doctor an educator?
Medical Teacher
Using videoconferencing to deliver anatomy teaching to medical students on clinical placements
Translational Research in Anatomy
Recent publications
20/04/2024Educational Alternatives for Veterinary Anatomy Teaching
AAVMC Use of Animals in Veterinary Education Handbook
Building Community: Spotlight on the Incubator for Clinical Education Research: Blog for Bristol Medical Education Research Group
Welcome back from BMERG! A blog for the Bristol Medical Education Research Group
Education is essential for implementing the NHS workforce plan
How to...deconstruct the research paradigm: supporting the non-social scientist researching in medical education
Clinical Teacher
Sarah supports others to develop their education practice through informal mentoring, her work with the Centre for Health Sciences Education Research Group, her work as a mentor and assessor for the Bristol Institute of Learning and Teaching (CREATE scheme) and nationally as a National Teaching Fellowship Scheme Reviewer.
Sarah is also passionate about working collaboratively with students and developing their skills as peer-educators. Her work as Director of the Bristol site of the Basic Life Support Training Scheme, Resuscitation for Medical Disciplines (working with Birmingham, Warwick and Brunel Medical Schools) supports students to develop as educators and assessors, as well as providing opportunities to undertake educational research and outreach work.
The impact of her work has resulted in a number of teaching awards, including both the University of Bristol Faculty of Health Sciences and Vice Chancellors Teaching Awards for Education in 2018 and the Faculty of Health Sciences Outstanding Educator Award in 2019. Her sustained record of leading, designing and delivering excellence in teaching and learning was recognised by the award of Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy from AdvanceHE in 2019.