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University of Bristol part of new national EDI hub to address sector diversity challenges

The University of Bristol is one eight university partners involved in the new EDI Hub+University of Bristol

Press release issued: 26 September 2024

The University of Bristol will be part of a new national hub which will harness the engineering, physical and mathematical sciences (EPMS) research and innovation community’s collective effort to address diversity challenges specific to the sector.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Hub+ will act as a focal point of activity and knowledge of good EDI practice across the UK.

Drawing on expertise and insight from people and organisations from within and beyond the sector, the hub will provide leadership to pinpoint diversity challenges unique to EPMS.

These challenges will be tackled by scaling-up EDI interventions which will be integrated and adopted within the community.

The University of Bristol is one eight university partners involved in the project which is being led by Professor Louise Jennings and Professor Vania Dimitrova from the University of Leeds.

The new hub is supported by the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through a £2.5 million investment.

Dr Jen Jennings, Associate Director of Research Development at the University of Bristol said: “I am delighted to be involved in this exciting initiative, particularly given the recognition of the important role that the professional services staff within higher education institutions play in the embedding of sustainable practices to support equity, diversity and inclusion.”

Professor Marcus Munafo, Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research Culture at the University of Bristol added: “This is an exciting initiative that aligns perfectly with our recently-launched research culture vision and strategy.  We have always been keen to work collaboratively across the sector to improve research culture, and this hub is another example of the power and value of working collectively.”

Working with universities, learned societies, industry partners, professional bodies and international collaborators, the EDI Hub+ will lead initiatives to empower individuals throughout the EPMS community. 

EPSRC Executive Chair Professor Charlotte Deane said: “The diversity challenges we face deprive individuals of opportunity, with the result that the research and innovation system, and society more widely, cannot benefit from their contributions and perspectives.

“The EDI Hub+ aims to address the persistent challenges we see across the engineering, physical and mathematical sciences community by harnessing our collective accumulated knowledge.

“It will consolidate the work of existing initiatives and lead new programmes of work, ensuring that the best solutions can be brought to bear on challenges specific to the engineering, physical sciences and mathematics communities.”

The hub will build on the work of existing initiatives, including the EPSRC Inclusion Matters projects, and will collaborate with other programmes also supported by UKRI such as the EDI Caucus.

The EDI Caucus provides high-quality research evidence on EDI that informs policy and practice in the research and innovation system. The EDI Caucus and EDI Hub+ will collaborate on themes that are aligned.

Further information

Further information

EDI Hub+ partner universities:

  • University of Leeds
  • Aberystwyth University
  • Durham University
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • University of Bradford
  • University of Bristol
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of York

Flexible Fund

The EDI Hub+ will use a flexible fund to support and empower the EPMS community to:

  • pilot co-created interventions that meet validated unmet EDI needs and challenges
  • scale-up the most effective interventions to support implementation across multiple settings
  • evaluate the effectiveness of interventions - both pilot projects and projects implemented at scale

Funding opportunities will be advertised on the EDI Hub+ website which is in development.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is the main funding body for engineering and physical sciences research in the UK. Our portfolio covers a vast range of fields from digital technologies to clean energy, manufacturing to mathematics, advanced materials to chemistry.  

EPSRC invests in world-leading research and skills, advancing knowledge and delivering a sustainable, resilient and prosperous UK. We support new ideas and transformative technologies which are the foundations of innovation, improving our economy, environment and society. Working in partnership and co-investing with industry, we deliver against national and global priorities. 

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