The research was led by Matthew Ridd, a GP and Professor of Primary Care at Bristol's Centre for Academic Primary Care and the award was announced at the RCGP Conference in Glasgow.
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)-funded ‘Best Emollients for Eczema (BEE)’ clinical trial compared lotions, creams, gels and ointments used to treat childhood eczema. The trial found no difference in the effectiveness or safety between the four emollient (moisturiser) types, leading the authors to conclude that “the right moisturiser for children is the one that they like to use.”
The study, the first in the world to compare different types of moisturiser directly, highlighted the importance of patient education and choice when deciding which moisturiser to use for children with childhood eczema. The findings were published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health in May 2022.
The five-year study involved over 500 children and their parents, recruited from 77 GP practices across England. It was a partnership with the Universities of Nottingham and Southampton and with support from Bristol Trials Centre, UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network, and Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care Board.
Professor Ridd, said: “I am delighted that our unique study has received this award. It is an opportunity to share the key messages that all types were similarly effective. Localised skin reactions were also common with all types. Previously, opinion was that ointments are more effective and less likely to cause irritation. However, ‘one size does not fit all’ and what suits people varies. Prescribers need to offer choice and educate on patients how to use emollients as well as what to use.”
Professor Carolyn Chew-Graham, Professor of General Practice Research at Keele University and Chair of the RCGP RPY, said: “This paper was judged by the RPY panel to be the overall winner of the award because the trial results are so relevant to children with eczema, their families and primary care clinicians, making decisions with parents about management of a child’s eczema. The paper speaks to the need for shared decision-making in managing this common condition.”