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Historic signing is major boost to region’s digital future

Professor Hugh Brady, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol and Professor Tim Whitely, Managing Director of Applied Research and Adastral Park, BT.

Press release issued: 15 October 2020

The University of Bristol and BT have joined forces to shape a digital future that is inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable, and will make a significant contribution to regional growth.

The University and BT, organisations with a long history of research collaboration and educational engagement, signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the new partnership at a virtual ceremony attended by staff and stakeholders.

One highlight of the partnership will be long-term, transformative research and development projects and programmes to drive responsible innovation, in a diverse range of areas such as future networks, digital, creative, quantum, cybersecurity, and robotics.

The partners will also develop an educational campus plan, which will enhance student experience through a programme of non-curriculum and curriculum-based activities.  As part of the University’s new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus, they will also explore co-location opportunities.

Not only will the partnership focus on creating a thriving local ecosystem, the parties will also work together and share resources to tackle major global challenges, such as inclusive and sustainable growth and addressing digital inequalities. 

Professor Hugh Brady, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Bristol, said: “This partnership represents enormous opportunity for our organisations to harness our combined resources and expertise. Together we will pioneer research across a broad range of disciplines and through initiatives such as the Bristol Digital Futures Institute and My World creative hub. By tackling real world challenges, our aim is to develop solutions to problems that will help to shape the future for the better.”  

Professor Tim Whitely, Managing Director of Applied Research and Adastral Park said: “BT and the University of Bristol have a strong track record of working together at the leading-edge of science, technology and innovation. We have identified high level partnership ambitions, with people at the heart, to deliver excellent research and life-long learning for the benefit of our customers and society. We’re looking forward to working with the University to responsibly and sustainably innovate and build thriving ecosystems, contributing to regional growth, and better digital futures.”


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