Antimicrobial resistance - or AMR - is a global threat, with an estimated 700,000 people dying from drug-resistant infections every year. Responsible use of farm animal medicines is key in helping to combat AMR.
Farmers and veterinary surgeons must demonstrate responsible and evidence-based farm medicines usage to maintain animal health and ensure safe and sustainable food production. Beef producers, however, face challenges in achieving recent Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture (RUMA) Alliance targets for farm medicine use, as significant data gaps exist regarding the quantities and types of medicines used.
Researchers from Bristol’s AMR Force at Bristol Veterinary School - Dr Kristen Reyher, Professor David Barrett, Jonathan Massey and colleagues - are leading the way with farmers and veterinarians to combat AMR by changing antimicrobial use on farms.
Using innovative methods, the team will work in partnership with Dr Jude Capper (Livestock Sustainability Consultancy) to provide cattle producers with the tools and information needed to accurately assess, record and benchmark farm medicine use and to effectively communicate results to food industry stakeholders.
The study, funded by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB Beef & Lamb), will involve a range of industry advisors to the project, including Dovecote Park Ltd, Dunbia, Farmvet Systems Ltd, MD Veterinary Consultancy Ltd, Synergy Farm Health, the University of Edinburgh, The Veterinary Medicines Directorate and Westpoint Veterinary Group.
Dr Reyher said: “This project will provide the beef industry with tools required to achieve and even exceed the RUMA targets, while demonstrating and communicating the gains made to consumers, processors, retailers and policy makers.”
The project, ’Strategies to benchmark and communicate farm medicine usein cattle operations’ will begin this summer and run for 18-months.