The Awards recognise the outstanding contributions of staff within Professional Services. This year saw 273 nominations which is a testament to our staff who go above and beyond their day-to-day role and highlights how staff value the contributions of their colleagues.
All of the shortlisted nominees were invited to the event which was hosted by the Registrar, Robin Geller, who said: “The awards are a wonderful way of highlighting the fantastic work that is being done across the professional services - both in central divisions and in the faculties and schools. The quality of the 273 nominations demonstrates the breadth of activities across the University and the commitment to delivering high quality services to a wide range of stakeholders. It was an inspiring evening where we recognised and celebrated outstanding performance by professional services staff."
A list of all those nominated can be seen online and the winners are listed below.
Unsung Hero/Heroine – Sue Morgan
Outstanding Partnership – The Sanctuary Scholarship Working Group
Outstanding Innovation – “Find a Computer” Project Team
Outstanding Team – The Technical Team from the Centre for Comparative and Clinical Anatomy
Registrar’s Award for Diversity – All University staff who contributed to Bristol Pride 2016
Lifetime Achievement Award – Christine Hall
Outstanding Crisis Recovery – Staff who contributed to the recovery from the Colston Street Fire
Honourable Mention:
Outstanding Partnership – Kerry O’Shea & Partners involved in 2016 Undergraduate Confirmation and Clearing Process
Outstanding Team – The Vulnerable Students’ Support Service
Lifetime Achievement Award – Steve Gaze