Bacterium lassoes its way from the mouth to the heart to cause disease7 February 2017The human mouth can harbour more than 700 different species of bacteria. Under normal circumstances these microbes co-exist with us as part of our resident oral microbiota. But when bacteria spread to other tissues via the blood stream, the results can be catastrophic.
Bristol retains HR Excellence in Research Award7 February 2017The University of Bristol has successfully retained its HR Excellence in Research Award, after being externally evaluated through the Vitae programme.
Major EPSRC grant to develop Gallium Nitride on diamond microwave technology7 February 2017The University of Bristol has been awarded a £4.3 million grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to lead an important new project to develop Gallium Nitride (GaN)-on-Diamond microwave technology.
Spiny, armoured slug reveals ancestry of molluscs 6 February 2017Scientists from the University of Bristol have uncovered a 480-million-year-old slug-like fossil in Morocco which sheds new light on the evolution of molluscs – a diverse group of invertebrates that includes clams, snails and squids.
Professor Roger Parsons, 1927-20176 February 2017Professor Roger Parsons FRS, a former member of the School of Chemistry, passed away on 7 January. His colleague Roger Alder offers a tribute.
Research review shows that safety is valued too low3 February 2017New research has shown that the benchmark used by the Office for Nuclear Regulation for judging how much should be spent on nuclear safety has no basis in evidence and places insufficient value on human life. The review suggests it may need to be ten times higher - between £16 million and £22 million per life saved.
The good, the bad and the ugly – the many roles of mushrooms 1 February 2017A new review that investigates the true magic of mushrooms and the many roles they play in our lives, in science and in nature has been published by scientists from the University of Bristol.
Calling all guinea pig owners1 February 2017Academics from the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Sciences are asking for guinea pig owners to take part in a new research study on how pet guinea pigs are kept in the UK by completing an online questionnaire.
Discover LGBT History this month1 February 2017The University and Bristol Students’ Union are marking LGBT History Month with a range of events, including a panel discussion, a film screening and the launch of a new set of classroom resources developed by Bristol researchers.
Bristol academic explores the secret lives of five-year-olds 1 February 2017Professor Paul Howard-Jones from the University of Bristol will feature in the return of a popular Bafta award-nominated series broadcast this week [2 Feb] which explores the differences between boys and girls in a new intake of fascinating five-year-olds.