The app, Mapping LGBT+ Bristol, is the result of a collaboration between the University, OutStories Bristol, Bristol City Council and Bristol Record Office (further details are available in a 2015 news item).
The project will also launch a new map that features images, oral history audio clips, archival research and personal recollections to create a rich and multilayered tapestry of this otherwise hidden aspect of Bristol’s past.
The app allows users to explore this history on the move, in the very places referred to on the map. The map can be accessed on OutStories Bristol’s website (where visitors can contribute their own stories) and on Bristol City Council’s Know Your Place site, which brings together multiple layers of Bristol’s diverse history.
The OutStories and Know Your Bristol teams will showcase the map at Bristol Pride, and are also holding a pre-launch party on Wednesday 6 July at Old Market Assembly, where you can bring along images, documents, letters or objects of relevance to Bristol’s LGBT+ past to be digitised for inclusion on the map.
To get the app, search your Google Play or the Apple App Store from 6 July.