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Getting active for Ada

Dr Julia Wolf - delivering a public lecture as part of Ada Lovelace DayJulio Hermosilla Elgueta

9 October 2015

The University of Bristol is joining an annual celebration of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Maths (STEMM) as part of Ada Lovelace Day on 13 October.

This day, named in honour of the world’s first computer programmer, aims to inspire women to pursue careers in these subjects by sharing stories of female engineers, scientists, technologists and mathematicians. The University is encouraging its own large community of women, both staff and students, working in STEMM subjects to get involved by focusing on what inspired them and providing an insight to their professional life.

From blog posts and tweets to Facebook and Flickr albums, University staff will be sharing tales of inspiration through across the social media landscape during the day using #UoBinspired @BristolUni and #ALD15 @findingada.  


Further information

For further information on Ada Lovelace Day, visit  The University encourages all STEMM women, both staff and students, to get involved on the day. Information about the campaign is available from the Public Relations Office – email

Find out more about other University events related to Ada Lovelace Day, including Dr Julia Wolf's free public talk, and check the #UoBInspired tagboard.

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