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No Borders: Global to Local

'In our time' by Shilpa Gupta

'In our time' by Shilpa Gupta© Shilpa Gupta

Press release issued: 21 January 2013

Staff members, Dr Dorothy Rowe and Dr Barnaby Haran, and MA student, Sarah Kew, from the Department of History of Art will be giving public gallery talks, lectures and seminars around Bristol Museum and Art Gallery's current display of contemporary art entitled No Borders: Global to Local.

No Borders considers how we are all linked internationally and politically, through our histories and the economic system that increasingly dominates the world.  The artists in No Borders use video, sound, installation, painting and sculpture to contemplate the conditions of the world today and how we have reached this point.

From the East India Company to the trading of tea; from the working conditions of a South African sugar cane cutter to the 'sleepers' who burn their passports to travel for work; from India's Independence to Partition; from the Lebanese Civil Wars to life in the newbuilds on the outskirts of Cairo; from sexual politics to alienation: the art in the exhibition is intertwined with the conditions in which we live.

As part of a series of free half-hour lunchtime talks running throughout the exhibition, Dr Barnaby Haran will discuss The Borders of Documentary on Friday 22 February at 1pm.

Art Beyond Borders is the subject of a talk by Dr Dorothy Rowe on Friday 26 April at 1pm.

Dr Rowe will also give a lecture entitled Ec/centric experience: Woman, art and globalization on Monday 11 March at 5pm.  £5 or free for students/unwaged; please contact the museum shop to book: 0117 922 3650.

In a seminar No Boundaries: what's the relationship between art and politics? on Tuesday 12 March, 4.30pm-6pm, Sarah Kew, Rowen MacKenzie and Sean Pierce will debate the exhibition.  The event is free; to book please email

No Borders runs until Sunday 2 Jun 2013 at the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery.

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