The competition is part of the Bristol Poetry Institute (BPI)'s inaugural year’s activities. Launched in October 2012 with a reading by the Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, the BPI brings together scholars, students, poets, and poetry-lovers across the University of Bristol and the wider community.
A focus for events and activities ranging from international academic conferences to seminars and study-days, the BPI hosts readings, workshops and performances by national and local poets and offers a space (both physical and ‘virtual’) for discussion and debate about poetry in all its forms.
The Poetry Competition for Young Poets (16-19) will be judged by the distinguished scholar and poet, Professor David Punter, a member of the Department of English at the University of Bristol and Bristol-based poet Rachael Boast.
First prize will be £100 to the author, and £100 in poetry books to their school's library. Two runners-up prizes of £50 to the authors, and £50 in poetry books to their schools will also be awarded. Bloodaxe Books, one of the leading poetry publishers in the UK, has generously offered to contribute to the book prizes, along with Oxford University Press.
The prizegiving ceremony will be held at the University of Bristol in February 2013. This will include a poetry reading where the winner and runners-up will be invited to read their work alongside the poets who judged the competition.
To enter, visit BPI Poetry Competition. The deadline is Friday 14 December 2012.