It is widely known that physical activity, whether it is an organised activity such as swimming, football or dance, or just playing in the park, is important for children’s wellbeing. The TeamPlay course, led by researchers from the University’s School for Policy Studies, is part of a new study that aims to find out the best way to help parents increase their children’s physical activity levels through parenting and physical activity sessions.
As part of the course, parents will be asked to complete a questionnaire about being a parent, physical activity and screen-viewing habits at three points throughout the programme. Course leaders will also ask parents and their child to wear an activity monitor called an accelerometer. Accelerometers record movement (similar to a pedometer) so that the researchers can assess activity levels of the parent and child before and after the course to see if there have been any changes.
In order to find out if the TeamPlay course can help to make any changes in physical activity, the researchers need to see if there are any differences between people that took part in different versions of the course. To do this the researchers aim to recruit 120 parents that agree to take part in the study, these parents will then be randomly split into two groups, one group will attend TeamPlay classes and the other group will receive TeamPlay materials. The researchers will then assess any changes in the two groups to look for differences. Parents will be thanked for their time with a total of £30 Love2Shop vouchers.
For further information about the British Heart Foundation-funded TeamPlay course, contact the researchers at the University of Bristol, Georgina Bentley or Joanna Steeds, tel on 0117 33 11212, 0117 33 11112, email
You can also find information and download a copy of the consent form on the TeamPlay website.
Who is the course for?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, the course could help.
Do you ever feel like you:
- struggle for ideas of how to keep your child entertained and active;
- find your child watching too much TV or spending too long playing computer games;
- find it difficult to motivate your child to do things;
- are not sure how to cope with high-energy levels;
- do not seem to have time to fit in family activities;
- would like to make a positive change in your family's lifestyle.
The TeamPlay course will help you address all these common issues and many others, providing you with the tools to make positive change.
Where is TeamPlay running?
Researchers are running four courses starting in 2012, these take place at the following venues:
Upper Horfield Children's Centre
- Starts Friday 9 March 2012, 9.30 am to 11.30 am
- Every Friday for eight weeks (no sessions for two weeks during the Easter break)
- A free creche is available for this course
Horfield Baptist Church
- Starts Tuesday 17 January 2012 , 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
- Every Tuesday for eight weeks (no session during half term)
Southmead Children’s Centre
- Starts Monday 16 January 2012 , 9.30 am to 11.30 am
- Every Monday for eight weeks (no session during half term)
- A free creche is available for this course
Southmead Greenway Centre
- Starts Thursday 15 March 2012, 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
- Every Thursday for eight weeks (no sessions for two weeks during the Easter break)