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Autumn at the Wickham Theatre

RedCape Theatre's The Idiot Colony

RedCape Theatre's The Idiot ColonyRedCape Theatre

Press release issued: 1 September 2009

Booking opens today for the new season of touring theatre and a public lecture at the Wickham Theatre in Bristol University’s Department of Drama.

Precarious – anomie on Friday 23 October at 7.30pm explores how the erosion of traditional moral standards and personal values can result in social instability.  Award-winning performance company Precarious combine breakneck physicality, stunning imagery and cutting-edge technology to present a portrait of modernity to disturb and delight audiences.  Free post-show discussion.  Tickets:  £8.50 (£5 concessions).

RedCape Theatre – The Idiot Colony on Thursday 29 October at 7.30pm.  Three women locked away for their illicit loves re-live faltering memories amidst the drugs and brutality of the asylum. Visually stunning blend of physicality and text based on true stories.  Free post-show discussion.  Tickets £8.50 (£5 concessions).

Risking Enchantment Theatre – So Little of You Left in Theatre 2 on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 November at 7.30pm.  An excavation of intimacy and disintegration played out by two young gay men that asks ‘How do we do love?’ and ‘Where does love end?’, presented in our smaller studio theatre and directed by Ben Webb, a former student in the Department of Drama.  Free post-show discussion.  Tickets £6.50 (£4 concessions).

Marie-Louise Flexen – Better Red Than Dead and Limelight and Lunacy on Thursday 12 November at 7.30pm.  A double-bill of high class physical theatre and dance.  Limelight and Lunacy explores the attitudes and standards of late nineteenth century society behind the façade of etiquette and decorum.  Better Red Than Dead uncovers the themes and metaphors within the fairytale of Red Riding Hood.  Free post-show discussion.  Tickets £8.50, (£5 concessions)

Public Lecture: The Director in the Text: Cameo Appearances by Charles Barr, Visiting Professor, University College, Dublin on Tuesday 27 October at 5.30pm.  Alfred Hitchcock’s brief appearances in his own films are well known, but other directors too have ‘signed themselves in’ to their work: less consistently, usually less recognisably, but often just as artfully.  This illustrated lecture presents a range of such cameo appearances, notably by Hitchcock, Powell, and Ford, and discusses their motivations and effects.   Admission Free

Wickham Theatre, Department of Drama, University of Bristol, Cantocks Close, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UP Box Office 0845 40 24 001 (via St George’s Bristol)

Further information

As one of the best equipped studio theatres at a British university, the Wickham Theatre, named after Professor Glynne Wickham, founder of the Department and of University Theatre Studies in this country, is used for a wide range of activities including student and professional performances. For information, call 0117 331 5084
Please contact Rona Fineman for further information.
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