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Bristol ChemLabS welcomes children of University staff

Tim Harrison, Bristol ChemLabs School Teacher Fellow (left) and Professor Dudley Shallcross, Bristol ChemLabS Outreach Director

Tim Harrison, Bristol ChemLabs School Teacher Fellow (left) and Professor Dudley Shallcross, Bristol ChemLabS Outreach DirectorDavid Jones

16 July 2009

Bristol ChemLabS, champions of outreach, reach inwards this summer with a chemistry day for children of University staff.

Bristol ChemLabS is running a chemistry day for more than 50 youngsters aged from 13 to 16 - all children of members of University staff - at the School of Chemistry on Thursday 23 July. The potential young scientists will be given a two-and-a-half-hour session in the labs extracting caffeine from tea leaves, along with a tour of the School of Chemistry, a short lecture from one of the undergraduates and a performance of the lecture demonstration ‘A Pollutant’s Tale’.

The event is almost fully booked, and already requests have come for this activity to be repeated and extended to other age groups next year.

ChemLabS hosted an inreach chemistry afternoon for non-chemist members of the Department earlier in the term. Secretaries and accounts personnel donned lab coats and safety glasses to experience work in the undergraduate teaching laboratories.

The Open Laboratories Programme is just one of the many outreach activities run by Bristol ChemLabS. In the two years since the refurbishment of the laboratories, some 4,000 school students have gained experience there, many for several days at a time.

For more information, please contact Marcus Medley in the School of Chemistry.


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