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Guardian award for Academic Rheumatology Unit

From left: Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive of the MS Society (sponsor of the Long-Term Conditions category), presents the award to Professor John Kirwan (University of Bristol) and Professor Sarah Hewlett (UWE)

From left: Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive of the MS Society (sponsor of the Long-Term Conditions category), presents the award to Professor John Kirwan (University of Bristol) and Professor Sarah Hewlett (UWE)

Prof John Kirwan and team in the Rheumatology Unit

Prof John Kirwan and team in the Rheumatology Unit

3 December 2007

The Academic Rheumatology Unit at the Bristol Royal Infirmary has won the Guardian Public Service Award for Long-Term Conditions.

The award recognises a joint project set up and run by experts from the University of Bristol, the University of the West of England (UWE) and the BRI to offer a patient-centred scheme that gives direct access to relief from the pain of rheumatoid arthritis as and when it is needed.

The Guardian Public Service Awards were set up four years ago in partnership with Hays Public Services to highlight the huge range of services and to acclaim the often unsung and inspirational work delivered every day in the public service sector. The awards serve as a benchmark of excellence and provide a tremendous morale boost to winning and shortlisted organisations.

The Rheumatology Unit worked on a six-year research project to test a service for patients with rheumatoid arthritis that would serve their needs more effectively. The findings of the research project were published in the British Medical Journal and have now been implemented as a routine clinical service in the BRI and other NHS Trusts, as well as attracting enquiries from Europe.

John Kirwan, Professor of Rheumatic Diseases at the University of Bristol and co-leader of the project, said, 'This is a great example of how collaboration between two universities and the Health Service can produce real benefits for patients. The whole team have worked hard and are proud of this national recognition'.


Further information

Patient-initiated outpatient follow-up in rheumatoid arthritis: six-year randomised controlled trial, Hewlett S, Kirwan J, Pollock J, Mitchell K, Hehir M, Blair P, Memel D. British Medical Journal 2005; 330 (7484): 171-6.
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