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Understanding Avebury

The Longstones; remains of Beckhampton Avenue leading from Avebury

The Longstones; remains of Beckhampton Avenue leading from AveburyJoshua Pollard and the Longstones Project

Excavations in 2000 at the end of the Beckhampton megalithic avenue

Excavations in 2000 at the end of the Beckhampton megalithic avenueJoshua Pollard and the Longstones Project

10 October 2007

A survey conducted for the Arts and Humanities Research Council by PricewaterhouseCoopers has shown the real economic impact of archaeological research undertaken at Avebury by a Bristol academic.

The real economic impact of an archaeological research project, co-directed by a Bristol academic, has been illustrated in a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers for the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

The Longstones Project, undertaken by Dr Joshua Pollard of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology with colleagues from the Universities of Leicester and Southampton, was awarded almost £150,000 of funding under the AHRC's Research Grants Scheme (2000-2004).

The project carried out a number of important excavations at Avebury, one of the most significant Neolithic sites in the world.

To read the full story, visit Research news.

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