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Visit and lectures from Japanese ICT research institute

7 June 2007

Tomorrow the University will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with representatives from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, who will also give two lectures.

Tomorrow (Friday 8 June) the University will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with representatives from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NiCT), based in Yokosuka Research Park, Japan. As part of this important visit, the Vice President and Executive Director of NiCT will give two short lectures in the Queen’s Building. This will be followed by refreshments. The event is supported and sponsored by the South West of England Regional Development Agency.

The lectures are free and open to all, and details are as follows:

Friday 8 June 10:30am-12:30pm, Pugsley Lecture Theatre, Queen’s Building

Dr Shingo Ohmori (Vice President, NiCT): 'Towards a Ubiquitous Networked Society: R&D policy and activities of NiCT'.

Dr Hiroyo Ogawa (Executive Director, New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center, NiCT): 'Research Trends of New Generation Wireless Communication Systems'.

Followed by refreshments in the foyer of the Pugsley Lecture Theatre.


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