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PM appoints Julie Selwyn to faith-based adoption assessment panel

Julie Selwyn

Julie Selwyn

4 June 2007

Julie Selwyn, Senior Lecturer at the School for Policy Studies, has been asked by the Prime Minister to join the panel reviewing the impact of the Sexual Orientation Regulations on faith-based adoption and fostering agencies.

Julie Selwyn, Director of the Hadley Centre for Adoption and Foster Care Studies and Senior Lecturer at the School for Policy Studies, has been asked by the Prime Minister to be part of the four-person assessment panel reviewing the impact of the Sexual Orientation Regulations on faith-based adoption and fostering agencies.

The issue has gathered importance, particularly in relation to Catholic adoption and fostering agencies, with the new legal requirement not to discriminate against couples in same-sex relationships applying to be adopters or foster carers.

You can find more information on the assessment in a memorandum (PDF, 21Kb) produced by the panel.



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