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Most successful fertility clinics

Press release issued: 5 June 2006

Bristol University's Centre for Reproductive Medicine has been named as the fourth most successful fertility centre out of over 70 clinics providing both IVF and ICSI services, by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.

Bristol University's Centre for Reproductive Medicine has been named as the UK's fourth most successful fertility centre out of over 70 clinics providing both IVF and ICSI services, by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.

The rise from tenth place in 2005 makes these latest results particularly pleasing.

Bristol’s live birth success rate of 38.1% for the under 35s takes into account IVF and ICSI treatments carried out in 2003/4. The figure is especially significant given that the under 35s represent the Centre’s core patient group.

“We’re naturally delighted with the HFEA’s findings confirming our high performance,” said general manager Liz Corrigan, “but it would be wrong to see these results as a league table as there are simply too many variables. It’s important that couples not only look at the success rates of a clinic, but consider their own individual circumstances. They should also take into account other factors too when making their choice - such as accessibility, atmosphere and the approachability of staff who will be treating them.

We accept all patients, however difficult treatment might be, provided there is a reasonable chance of pregnancy. Each one is fully investigated to ensure the most appropriate treatment and is given an individual indication of the chance of success.”

What the HFEA results do show is that thanks to IVF and ICSI, infertile couples in the under 35s age group coming to the Centre for Reproductive Medicine at the University of Bristol have at least as good a chance of becoming parents as the general population.

One of the Centre’s lead doctors Mr Julian Jenkins said, “We are delighted with these excellent set of results which are a testament to our great team spirit. We always treat patients as individuals and do our best to optimise their care.”

The Centre for Reproductive Medicine, University of Bristol, welcomes both private and NHS patients and assists with approximately 700 cycles each year.


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