The two-day course entitled The bizarre world of fungi, will be given by Justin Smith, a well-known local fungi expert who is involved, not only with Bristol conservation areas, but also the surrounding countryside.
The weekend will be spent learning how to record field notes and use identification guides, how to tell the difference between edible and poisonous fungi, their ecology and how to identify large scale and microscopic features.
Justin Smith, commenting on the course, said: 'We are all familiar with wild fungi but often don't know which are not poisonous. This educational and fun course will help you identify a number of safe, edible wild fungi, along with learning about recipes for species which are safe to eat.'
The interactive course, organised by the University's Public Programmes Office, will take place on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 October, at the Botanic Garden, North Road, Leigh Woods, Bristol from 9.30 am to 5 pm.
Tickets are priced at £45. Prior enrolment is essential, to book your place contact Jo Emslie, Public Programmes Office, 8-10 Berkeley Square, Bristol or tel 0117 928 7165.
The course is weather dependent, if conditions are too dry, the course will take place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 November 2004. Although both weekends will potentially be the same, new information on species will be presented depending on what is found.
The course is suitable for both beginners and more experienced fungi hunters but people need to attend the first day to understand the timetable for the weekend.