The event aims to promote and celebrate the diverse employment, social and cultural opportunities that continued language learning has to offer.
During the day students will have the chance to try out less commonly taught languages, such as Russian, Czech, Italian and Portuguese. They will also be participating in cultural seminars, which include topics such as Why was the Berlin Wall built? and Chilean singer, Violeta Parra.
The event will also include advice on careers and how to apply to study at university.
Ian Gathercole, Widening Participation Recruitment Officer in the School of Modern Languages at Bristol University, said: 'This is an important opportunity for students to meet one another and to experience and enjoy together a wider perspective of what modern languages have to offer.
'The event seeks to promote language learning in universities in general and Bristol in particular.'
'We hope by the end of the day the students will be convinced that higher education and languages are for them. '