Information professionals are increasingly responsible not only for running traditional information and library services but also for providing an online presence for their organisation. Online Information Service Provision in the Social Sciences: From practice to need, from need to service, co-edited by Drs Neil Jacobs and Lesly Huxley in the University's Institute for Learning and Research Technology, was launched last week.
Online Information Services in the Social Sciences, aimed mainly at information professionals, shows how best practice in delivering online information services should be based on actual user needs and behaviour.
A series of case studies provide real life examples of how social science information is being used in the community. The book then draws on these case studies to outline the main issues facing service providers: such as usability, metadata and management. The book concludes with a look to the future and how both technological and organisational changes will shape online information services.
The book is aimed at anyone providing an online service to those using social science information, including information officers, librarians and knowledge managers, together with related IT managers and students of Library and Information Science at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
The book, published by Chandos, is priced at (paperback) ISBN 1843340690, £39; (hardback) ISBN 1843340704, £55 and can be ordered directly by telephoning 01767 604951 or email