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Science Matters to expand the drugs debate into the Hartcliffe community

Press release issued: 18 May 2004

At-Bristol and the University of Bristol are delighted to announce the next Science Matters discussion event Doing your head In?.

The re-classification of cannabis - will it lead us down a slippery slope?  What about legal drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes? Are you worried about drug use in your community?

At-Bristol and the University of Bristol are delighted to announce the next Science Matters discussion event Doing your head In?, to take place on 19 May from 6.30 to 8.45 pm at The Gatehouse Centre, Hartcliffe.

Having recently run two lively discussion events in St Pauls about soft drugs, Science Matters will be widening the debate into the Hartcliffe community to find out how opinions may change in different areas of the city.  

Cannabis, cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, skunk, glue and tranquillisers will be just a few of the recreational drugs tackled in the Hartcliffe dialogue session. This free event will be led by Steve Mills from the Hartcliffe and Withywood Drugs Project who will be joined by a panel of local residents, healthcare and drugs experts including Tim Williams, an addiction specialist from the University of Bristol.  

Designed to delve beyond newspaper headlines, Science Matters events aim to give community groups the opportunity to find out information for themselves and communicate their views on different ethical issues to key local decision makers and scientists.   

Amanda France, At-Bristol's Education Officer says, 'The previous Science Matters events held in St Pauls proved so popular we want to take what we've learned from these and move the debate out into a different community. It will be really interesting hearing what people in Hartcliffe think. It's set to be a really lively evening.'    

Doing your head in? is a free event open to all, so come and have your say. Places allocated on a first-come-first-served basis on the night. The venue is The Gatehouse Centre, Hareclive Road, Hartcliffe, Bristol.


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