The Primary School Project is a collaboration between the University's Widening Participation Office and the University of the West of England and will involve working with up to 30 pupils from Teyfant Community School, Hartcliffe, Bristol.
The aim of the project is to raise awareness of, and aspirations to, higher education. Over the course of three days the children will look at University life, careers, science, engineering, as well as taking part in confidence building activities.
With student ambassadors, the children will record everything they learn by diary entry and pictures. This is called the 'University Big Book' and will be available for their parents to see during the final presentation session at Teyfant Community School in May. Each group will also make their own logos and mottos to stick on the front cover of their Big Books.
Lucy Collins, Widening Participation Schools Liaison Officer at the University of Bristol, said: 'We hope this will be a fantastic event. It's a real opportunity for local children to come into the University, take part in hands- on activities and find out what it's like to be a real student for the day.
'It's important that university and higher education become familiar concepts from an early age and we hope that this event will be the first of many.'