This week sees the first of four free lunchtime public lectures at which John Barrett, Bristol University academic and experimental psychologist, will explore the links between physical and psychological health.
The first lecture [Wednesday, October 15] Breakfast and brains, discusses the connections between healthy eating and healthy brains. On October 29 Nature and nurture looks at the mix of genes, intelligence and personality. Stress and personal health on November 12 demonstrates that stress is actually necessary for human health - provided it is kept at the right level. Finally, on November 26, Ageing - the good news proves the old adage about old dogs and new tricks is wrong - retirement can be a very productive time to learn new skills and abilities.
Arranged by Bristol University's Public Programmes Office, all the talks take place on Wednesdays from 12.45 to 1.45 pm at Royal National Institute for the Blind, Activity Room Two, 10 Still House Lane, Bedminster, Bristol, and there's no need to book.