This year's event will be the biggest ever with stalls displaying information, photographs and artwork relating to many different countries, as well as offering tasty examples of national dishes for visitors to sample.
Countries represented include Brazil, Greece, India, Italy, Iran, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudia Arabia and Singapore.
There will also be a number of live performances including traditional Hindu dances, Mexican salsa, Italian folk-dancing and a demonstration of the 400-year-old Brazilian martial art Capoeira, a unique combination of dance, acrobatics and fighting skills.
A raffle at the end of the evening will raise money for the Developing Countries (Hodgkin Scholarship) Fund which offers an individual from a developing country the chance to study at the University of Bristol. If the fund can raise enough money to pay the student's living costs, the University will match the gesture by waiving his or her fees.
Fiona Cook, Vice-President (Welfare) said: "One World Day is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the diverse cultural life of the university. People come from all over the globe to study at Bristol and these overseas students contribute greatly to the vibrant social and intellectual life of the university."
The event is free and everyone is welcome. For further information, please contact Fiona Cook on 0117 954 5881 or email