This world-renowned scientific study has followed 14,000 children from before their births in the early 1990s. They are now 10 and 11 years old, and the study aims to stay with them until they are parents themselves.
By collecting huge amounts of information and biological samples, the study is helping researchers to identify the factors that affect children's health and wellbeing and improve life for future generations.
Professor Jean Golding, who set up the study, and many of the people involved will be at the Wills Building to tell visitors about their work. They include those who care for the families who take part as well as experts in nutrition, sight, hearing, growth, genes and the psychological aspects of child development.
There will be displays, information to take away and staff eager to answer questions on a huge range of subjects, including:
What do the study children actually do?
140 findings have already been published - how will they affect children's lives?
What are the plans for the future?
Free coffee and biscuits will be served, and the Children of the 90s team look forward to welcoming visitors at the Reception Room on the first floor of the Wills Building.