The ten- to eleven-year-olds from Hareclive Primary School, Hartcliffe and Westbury Park Primary School will spend the morning of Wednesday April 2 coming out of their schools to share their school science projects with each other and to do some real hands-on science with scientists from Bristol University. The children will spend the afternoon with a vet, a nurse, a medical doctor and a medical scientist and question them about their working lives.
Co-ordinated by Dr Eric Albone of Clifton Scientific Trust and supported by Bristol University and Clifton College, the event aims to enthuse youngsters about science and give them an early introduction to university.
Dr Albone said: "The children will exchange ideas, obtain real, hands-on experience and gain an insight into the working lives of scientists, doctors and nurses by meeting them face to face. Our hope is that they will see just how exciting real life science can be and perhaps be inspired to go on to university themselves."
Pat Rayfield, Bristol University's Director of Widening Participation, said: "We're working hard at encouraging more bright pupils from the local area to think about higher education - even while they're very young. This event is one way of giving children their first insight into how inspiring university can be."
The event will take place at Clifton College.