Dr David Welsh, Director Health, Safety & Environment, Rolls-Royce plc has been appointed by the Royal Academy of Engineering under a scheme that aims to forge closer links between industry and academia by appointing leading edge industrial practitioners to chairs at UK universities.
He will work in partnership with academics on new case studies and teaching materials that explore how society can meet the growing demands for energy and power in both developed and developing countries. This will include issues surrounding international civil aerospace.
Dr Welsh said "I am delighted to be working with the University of Bristol in this important field. There is a clear link between the provision of clean and affordable energy and quality of life. Engineers have a vital role to play in providing solutions to meet societies needs both now and in generations to come"
Dr Welsh is one of six Visiting Professors appointed to UK Universities under the Academy's scheme this year and is funded by the Office of Science Technology.
The scheme was launched in 1998 to enhance both the understanding and the practice of teaching sustainable development within universities.