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Mind, brain and beyond

Press release issued: 6 March 2002

Mind, brain and beyond

Today [Wednesday, March 6] Bristol University will host a debate between Susan Blackmore and Peter Fenwick on Mind, brain and beyond. The event is part of a pioneering UK-wide project, organised by the Scientific & Medical Network and sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation (USA), designed to forge links between science and religion.

The event entitled Mystical experience as a challenge to current materialistic scientific assumption will take place between 4-8 pm at the Pugsley Lecture Theatre, Queen's Building, University Walk, Bristol.

Each speaker will talk for half an hour, followed by a 'head to head' discussion. This will be followed by wine and cheese and a general discussion with other participants. Entrance is free.

The event is of interest to people who have had unusual - but amazingly common - personal experiences, for example: healing, being prayed for, sudden recovery from severe illness, near death experiences, or odd feelings such as just 'knowing' when something has happened to a loved one without any normal means of communication.

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Updated: Wednesday, 06-Mar-2002 14:09:27 GMT

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