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Professor John Coggon appointed to World Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Ethics and Climate Health

Press release issued: 8 February 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognises climate change as the biggest health threat facing humanity, with the potential to undermine decades of progress in global health.

To address this threat, the WHO is committed to working with Member States, UN and other international agencies and the wider global health and research community to deliver a range of supporting tools and materials to help navigate ethical issues across the health (and health research) and climate change field and embed them effectively in relevant policies. 

Professor John Coggon, a member of the Centre for Health, Law, and Society in the University of Bristol Law School, is one of the thirteen members of the WHO’s new Technical Advisory Group on Ethics and Climate Health who will serve in their personal capacities to represent the broad range of disciplines relevant to ethics and climate change and health. 

Read the full news item on the Bristol Law School website

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