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Bristol researcher awarded fellowship to help change the lives of people suffering with chronic pain

Press release issued: 18 February 2022

A new £300k research fellowship has been awarded to Dr Robert Drake at the University of Bristol to carry out research exploring how injury affects brain function to cause chronic pain. The award, which is part of a £1.2 million Medical Research Foundation grant, aims to improve pain diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, for the vast number of people who live with unrelenting pain.

Dr Drake’s research has shown that a loss of function in a neuronal pathway that links the brain and spinal cord is a critical step in the emergence of chronic pain in male rats. 

With support from the Foundation, Dr Drake will investigate how this loss of function affects a wider brain network that supports emotional reactivity, coping behaviour and sensory hypersensitivity. He will use state of the art computational methods to identify subtle changes in rodent behaviour related to pain, stress, and pain relief. By combining this with recordings, and the manipulation of brain activity, he will be able to relate brain function to experiences of pain and changes in behaviour. 

Another major focus of Dr Drake’s fellowship will be investigating sex differences in chronic pain development. 

Read the full University of Bristol press release

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