About the building

The Chaplaincy building, at 1 Woodland Road, has a number of different rooms that are open to members of the university between 11am-3pm, Monday to Friday.


Our spaces can be booked by student faith groups, staff and external groups. Bookings are currently available between 8am-9am, and 3:30pm-10pm. 

If you are interested in booking out one of our rooms or the whole building, please email our Chaplaincy Assistant at multifaith-chaplaincy@bristol.ac.uk

Our Spaces

Common Room

Our common room is a space for you to sit and socialise. Grab a free tea or coffee, cake and enjoy the space.

Suggested capacity: 35

Our vegetarian kitchen is open for you to use. Make your lunch (No meat or fish) or grab a drink. 
Suggested capacity: 5
Quiet Room

The quiet room is a space for prayer, meditation or silent reflection. 

Suggested capacity: 20

Activity Room

The activity room is a really flexible space, popular for activity groups and society events. From yoga to band-practise to dining room...

Suggested capacity: 20

Reading Room

Our reading room is a small theological library and restful space. Thank you to the Alumni Association for a generous grant for this library.

Suggested capacity: 8


Contact us

Find out how to visit us and get in touch.

Instagram Page

C‌heck out our Instagram (@mfc_bristol) for fun, live updates of the happenings in the Multifaith Chaplaincy!‌


Green Policy

We are committed to being green. As well as implementing the University's standard green policy, we have undertaken a wide range of initiatives, based on the principles Reduce, Re-use, Recycle. These include recycling as much as possible, operating a meat- and fish-free kitchen and buying organic and local produce where possible.

If you have any new ideas on being green, please email us.

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