Clinical Academies

After two years of pre-clinical training at the University of Bristol, our medical students go on to placements at Clinical Academies across the South West region.

These form the core of your clinical training and you will rotate between the clinical academies during the 3rd to 5th years of your medical degree.

Representing a range of healthcare settings, from smaller rural hospitals to large city-based ones, training at the academies brings you into contact with a diverse body of patients and different medical teams.

You will gain in-depth clinical experience from different NHS trusts, preparing you for life as a junior doctor and beyond.

Our academies

For me, being a doctor has been the most fulfilling career that I could imagine. I was the first person in my family to go to university - I know I am lucky to have a job that comprises an irresistible combination of unending variety; meeting patients from all walks of life and working with amazing people.

Dr Jane Sansom, Senior Clinical Lecturer

The teaching is of such a high standard and there is a huge choice of intercalations. The city itself is fantastic and the academy system is the perfect way to gain an abundance of experience and knowledge and empathy.

Leia Harris (Medicine)
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