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HRIC Newsletter

10 February 2022


On 8th February 2022, Rachel Murray presented to the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK work that had been conducted as part of the POST Fellowship. This focused on an evaluation of the revised Standing Orders of the National Assembly of The Gambia.

 On 9th February 2022, the HRIC held a webinar with the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) Northern Ireland. This was the second in a series of three training events for the RQIA, this one focusing on a human rights based approach, the role of inspectors as independent monitors, and the practicalities of carrying out a preventive approach to monitoring.

 On 2nd February 2022, Dr Debra Long and Prof Rachel Murray participated in an event organised by the Ministry of Justice in Miama, USA, bringing together superintendents of prisons in the UK Overseas Territories. This is part of a MoJ funded project looking at monitoring places of deprivation of liberty in the OTs.

 A team in the Human Rights Law Clinic, under the supervision of Dr Peter Dunne, made a submission to the UK government’s consultation on conversion therapy.

Further Information

If you would like to know any further details about the HRIC news above, please contact Paige Spicer.

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