Fair Shares Project

How fair are financial arrangements on divorce?

Around 100,000 couples divorce annually in England and Wales and the financial arrangements they make can determine the future standard of living that they and their children will have for many years to come. Only a third of them use the legal system to sort out their finances, with the rest negotiating their own arrangements or, worse, reaching no settlement at all. Very little is known about the detailed financial arrangements couples make, or how they work out. This study aims to fill this gap to help shape the law and provide practical guidance to couples going through divorce in the future.

‘Divorce is a life-changing financial event for families. It has short and long-term financial consequences for the parties with respect to their income, property division and pensions. Although the larger money divorce cases which go through the courts generate a substantial amount of attention in the press, what happens in relation to the finances and property of the majority of the divorcing population is something that academics and policy-makers know very little about. This large-scale study of financial settlements on divorce aims to fill that gap and generate a picture of what happens across the divorcing population.’

Professor Emma Hitchings

Contact us

For further information on the project, please contact: fairshares-project@bristol.ac.uk.


This project has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation.
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