Queer Frontiers: Queering the digital

8 September 2023, 10.30 AM - 8 September 2023, 4.30 PM

Lady Hale Moot Court, 8-10 Berkeley Square, Bristol BS8 1HH

This event is targeted towards academics and stakeholders invested in the relationship between digital spaces and queer identities. Over the course of a day, we will hold several conversations focused on different aspects of the digital world to think about how they relate to queer identities.

The workshop is intended to be a way for academics and stakeholders to consider: what could make digital technology and digital spaces better for queer people? What could a research or intervention agenda look like in this area?

Registration: Please register for this workshop via Eventbrite.


10:30-11:00 Arrival and Registration

11:00-11:30 Welcome from Dr Rosie Nelson and Professor Rebecca Coleman, introductions across the room

11:30-12:15 Session 1: Digital Architecture and Queerness (Rosie Nelson)

12:15-13:00 Lunch break (lunch provided)

13:00-13:45 Session 2: Digital Communities and Queerness (Beckie Coleman)

13:45-13:55 Comfort break

13:55 – 14:40 Session 3: Digital everyday experiences and Queerness (Rosie Nelson)

14:40 – 14:50 Comfort Break

14:50 - 15:30 Wrap up and next steps (Beckie Coleman)

15:30 – 16:30 Networking

This event has been generously funded by the GW4. This means we will be able to offer travel bursaries if you are travelling from a GW4 institution or if you are a stakeholder traveling from Bath, Cardiff, or Exeter. Academics will be contacted if this is the case - if you are a local stakeholder that wants your travel covered, please do e-mail queerfrontiers-uob@bristol.ac.uk who can help sort that out for you.

About the Organisers

This event is part of a wider portfolio of events being run by GW4-funded network, Queer Frontiers. Queer Frontiers is an ECR-led network for those who are researching LGBTQ+ identities to begin to chart the future of queer scholarship. You can find more information about Queer Frontiers on the GW4 website, and on the Queer Frontiers Twitter.

The logo for the GW4 Research Network Queer Frontiers. The logo shows the words 'Queer Frontiers' in bold black text against a white background, slightly slanted, with a border around both words.

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