Queer Frontiers: Queering the digital
Lady Hale Moot Court, 8-10 Berkeley Square, Bristol BS8 1HH
This event is targeted towards academics and stakeholders invested in the relationship between digital spaces and queer identities. Over the course of a day, we will hold several conversations focused on different aspects of the digital world to think about how they relate to queer identities.
The workshop is intended to be a way for academics and stakeholders to consider: what could make digital technology and digital spaces better for queer people? What could a research or intervention agenda look like in this area?
Registration: Please register for this workshop via Eventbrite.
10:30-11:00 Arrival and Registration
11:00-11:30 Welcome from Dr Rosie Nelson and Professor Rebecca Coleman, introductions across the room
11:30-12:15 Session 1: Digital Architecture and Queerness (Rosie Nelson)
12:15-13:00 Lunch break (lunch provided)
13:00-13:45 Session 2: Digital Communities and Queerness (Beckie Coleman)
13:45-13:55 Comfort break
13:55 – 14:40 Session 3: Digital everyday experiences and Queerness (Rosie Nelson)
14:40 – 14:50 Comfort Break
14:50 - 15:30 Wrap up and next steps (Beckie Coleman)
15:30 – 16:30 Networking
This event has been generously funded by the GW4. This means we will be able to offer travel bursaries if you are travelling from a GW4 institution or if you are a stakeholder traveling from Bath, Cardiff, or Exeter. Academics will be contacted if this is the case - if you are a local stakeholder that wants your travel covered, please do e-mail queerfrontiers-uob@bristol.ac.uk who can help sort that out for you.
About the Organisers
This event is part of a wider portfolio of events being run by GW4-funded network, Queer Frontiers. Queer Frontiers is an ECR-led network for those who are researching LGBTQ+ identities to begin to chart the future of queer scholarship. You can find more information about Queer Frontiers on the GW4 website, and on the Queer Frontiers Twitter.