‘AI in Healthcare: Innovation, Safety and Liability’ - Seminar series: 10, 16 & 17 October

10 October 2023, 12.00 PM - 10 October 2023, 1.00 PM

Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, BS8 1UH

Join us for ‘AI in healthcare: Innovation, Safety and Liability’, a series of in-person interdisciplinary interactive seminars with Vera Lúcia Raposo on 10, 16 and 17 October 2023, hosted by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute (EBI) and Jean Golding Institute, together with the University of Bristol Law School.

All staff and students at the University of Bristol and our partners in the NHS are warmly invited. 

Please note: the deadline for registering your place is 9 October 2023, by 5pm.

The three events will address the following topics: 

Tuesday 10 October 2023, 12:00 - 13:00, Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, BS8 1UH – register on Eventbrite

Monday 16 October 202312:30 - 13:30, Lady Hale Moot Court, 8-10 Berkeley Square, Bristol, BS8 1HH – register on Eventbrite. Full details on EBI intranet 

Tuesday 17 October 2023, 12:30 - 13:30, Lady Hale Moot Court, 8-10 Berkeley Square, Bristol, BS8 1HH, 12:30 - 13:30 – register on Eventbrite. Full details on EBI intranet 

The seminars will feature Vera Lúcia Raposo, Assistant Professor of Law and Technology at Nova School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal) and the leading researcher at FutureHealthLaw, which explores the use of new technologies in healthcare.

She is a frequent speaker at academic events worldwide, a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Health Law and Governor of the World Association for Medical Law. She is the author of more than one hundred papers, particularly in digital law (AI, data protection, metaverse) and biomedical law (medical liability, patient safety, gene editing, digital health). 

Dr Raposo is hosted by Professor Oliver Quick from the Bristol Law School.

The events will be an opportunity to hear about Vera Raposo’s work; explore new collaborative opportunities; share your research interests in this area with colleagues from different disciplines; and discuss ideas in the context of an RAI UK-led 'Responsible AI UK international partnerships' funding call.

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