Sean Rees

Sean Rees is fifth year medical student at UCL. While at medical school he has been involved in a number of projects that aim to engage students in a range of equalities issues that include women’s sexual and reproductive health, the rights of LGBT+ people and widening-access to medicine.

In his first year at university, Sean helped to set up LGBTalk, a student group for LGBT+ medical students that organised social events, offered support, and inputted into curriculum development. He also worked closely with Target Medicine, a widening participation scheme that mentors students from non-selective state education through the process of applying to medical school.

Sean’s main interest is women’s health, and he hopes to specialise in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He is the Student Lead for Viva la Vulva, an award-winning UCL medical student political action group, which aims to engage students in issues that are integral to women’s health that range from abortion rights and access, to domestic violence and sexual exploitation. With this group, Sean has designed and delivered teaching sessions for young people in local schools, delivered a session at last year’s Festival of Choice on how medical education could be improved to ensure that future doctors can contribute to the global fight for reproductive justice, as well as organising lots of different events at UCL that raised the level of discourse and debate around women’s reproductive health. He has also been a panelist following the plays Rites, which explored issues around FGM, Out of Silence, which told the stories of women who have had abortions, and I told my mother I was going on an RE trip…, a play about young people’s experiences of abortion.

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