Joanna N. Erdman

Joanna N. Erdman is an Associate Professor and the inaugural MacBain Chair in Health Law and Policy at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. She is also the Associate Director of the school’s Health Law Institute. Joanna’s research focuses on sexual and reproductive health and human rights in a transnational context. She has published in leading international journals and collected volumes on topics such as harm reduction in safe abortion, the regulation of emergency contraception, and human papillomavirus vaccines policy.

Joanna is the coeditor of Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective(2014), recently translated into Spanish (2016). She has also acted as an intervener before various courts and international bodies, including the European Court of Human Rights, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and the Committee against Torture. Joanna chairs the Global Health Advisory Committee of the Public Health Program, and serves on the advisory board of the Women’s Rights Program, Open Society Foundations. She is also a past chair of the Gender and Rights Advisory Panel of the Reproductive Health and Research Department, World Health Organization. She received her BA and JD degrees from the University of Toronto and her LLM from Harvard, and completed a fellowship at Yale Law School.

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