
Research Strands and Projects

There are six research strands, each with several sub-projects.  Strand and project titles are listed below and further details of the research in each strand can be found by selecting the strand title.

Strand 1: High Risk behaviours in adolescence - Publications

Led by Glyn Lewis, University of Bristol

  1. Describing the relationship between SES and high risk behaviours
  2. School & neighbourhood influences on high risk behaviours
  3. Mental health and high risk behaviour [ i) High risk behaviours and depression and anxiety in adolescence & ii) Hyperactivity and high risk behaviours]
  4. Individual Psychological characteristics and high risk behaviours [ i) Sensation seeking and high risk behaviours ii) Does impaired autobiographical memory mediate the relationship between SES and self-harm]

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Strand 2: Antecedents of cognitive outcomes in adolescence- Publications

Led by Anna Vignoles, Institute of Education

  1. Continuities and discontinuities in cognitive trajectories – setting the context
  2. Children’s cognitions [ i) The causal effects of ability self-concepts and task values; ii) The effects of peer groups on ability self-concepts and task values.; iii) The role of parents’ and children’s cognitions in mediating SES effects.]
  3. Parental depression
  4. The multi-dimensional role of schools
  5. The role of peer groups

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Strand 3: The antecedents of physical health in adolescents- Publications

Led by Debbie Lawlor, University of Bristol

  1. When in the life course do socioeconomic inequalities in physical health emerge?
  2. Determining the biological and behavioural pathways that mediate socioeconomic influences on physical health
  3. Determining the impact of peer groups, school-based factors and neighbourhoods on childhood and adolescent obesity

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Strand 4: Friendships, Peer Groups and Neighbourhoods- Publications

Led by Simon Burgess, University of Bristol

  1. Formation of friendship groups
  2. Measuring the sorting of friendship groups
  3. Are peer groups biased measures of friendship groups?
  4. Comparing friendship groups in England and the US

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Strand 5: Methodology- Publications

Led by Fiona Steele & Frank Windmeijer, University of Bristol

  1. Hierarchical, Crossed and Multiple Membership Data Structures
  2. Identification of Causal Effects, Mendelian Randomisation
  3. Methods to Deal with Missing Data

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Strand 6: International comparisons of child development- Publications

Led by Paul Gregg, University of Bristol

  1. SES Gradients after Welfare and Childcare Reform in the US and UK
  2. Welfare Systems and Child Development
  3. Welfare Reform and Early Child Development
  4. Childcare for 3 and 4 year olds

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