Postgraduate Diploma

The Diploma is the second stage in the HPE's master's level course in Education. It is designed to take you beyond the core units of the Certificate.

  • The HPE Diploma consists of three x 20-credit units
  • Common skills are taught and called upon across all units and we encourage integration of your learning from the different units.
  • In term 1 (September – December) you will complete Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Education. This unit permits you to look at an educational issue from your own context and varied points of view, invoking philosophy, history and sociology of Education.
  • Unit leads: Sarah McLaughlin and Stephen Pickering
  • You will also begin the Research Methods unit in term 1 (October) and this will continue throughout term 2 as well. Unit leads: Steve Jennings & Sally Dowling.

  • In term 2 (January – April) you will continue Research Methods and also take one more unit chosen from either
    • Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)  or
    • Leading in Healthcare Education.
  • TEL unit leads: Mike Cameron + Dominic Alder (Faculty TEL team)/ HPE contact tutor: Richard Maidment-Otlet

For all other queries, please contact


Pre-requisites/ What qualifications do I need?

You will need to have successfully completed the HPE Certificate stage (OR an equivalent qualification from another institution if applying for the Diploma and MSc) and normally have achieved an average 60% on the Certificate.

Please contact for queries about eligibility.

How to apply

Postgraduate Diploma intakes are in September of every academic year for new students.

Deadline for September 2024: 9 August 2024

How to Apply

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