Lab Assessments
We have a student-led volunteering scheme in which you can receive an environmental assessment for your lab.
The process
The Green Labs Team will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time for the assessment. At least one member of the lab must be available to meet a Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Volunteer (student volunteer) to show them around the lab, answer any questions and ensure that H&S protocols are followed throughout the assessment. The process should last around one hour, but may vary depending on the size of the lab. The Green Impact Labs Supervisor will compile a report for you with your current sustainability level as well as a list of recommendations.
We can help you improve your sustainability rating
Knowing how busy researchers and technical staff are, we offer physical help and advice to assist you to improve sustainability and efficiency in your labs. If you decide to sign up to LEAF, a Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Volunteer (LEAV) will be on hand to give you constructive and creative input to help you meet the criteria. In June of each year, you will receive a Green Lab Certification of Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum dependent on your score.
After the lab assessment, if you would like to have a designated LEAV assigned to your team:
1) Sign up to LEAF
2) Contact the Green Impact Labs Supervisor to arrange a suitable LEAF
How to get assessed
Simply put your details into the spreadsheet and you will be contacted in due course to organise the assessment.
Staff volunteering
Members of staff can also volunteer by assessing the sustainability of labs in any Department. Contact Sustainability for more information.
Bristol Be-LEAFs in Sustainable Science
Over a fifth of lab space from the University of Bristol participated in the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) 2019, saving an estimated 92 tonnes of carbon. Follow the link to read more.