Undergraduate study
We offer a choice of three high quality undergraduate degree courses in Geography to suit the different needs and interests of our students.
We present both a balanced overview of the contemporary study of human and physical geography and also a wide spectrum of research-led teaching, with an emphasis on scientific, analytical and critical content.
After a common Year 1 course, students choose from among a variety of pathways, allowing for specialisation in human geography only, physical geography only, or a mix of the two. These pathways are then followed beyond Year 1 to graduation.
BSc Geography
UCAS code F800, 3 years full-time
MSci Geography with Innovation
UCAS code F805, 4 years full-time
BSc Geography with Study Abroad
UCAS code 09F4, 4 years full-time
BSc Geography with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
UCAS code F801, 4 years full-time
Did you know?
We're world leaders in the science of modelling: our studies have explored the uncertainties of future sea levels in Greenland and the Antarctic
We are the UK's leading department for Quantitative Human Geography
Professors Ron Johnston and Kelvyn Jones are among the world's most influential human geographers
Bodman. A. R. (2010) Measuring the influentialness of economic geographers during the ‘great half century’: an approach using the h index, Journal of Economic Geography 10(1):141-156
What's it really like at Bristol?
Geographical Sciences on film
Our graduates go on to succeed in a variety of careers; some find work in areas directly relating to geography, while others discover that their knowledge and training provides them with a route into different professions.