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City of Bristol - Present and Test Version

A common approach is to follow a reading comprehension type model and present and then test the students understanding. The following is an example of this. On the next page there is an example of an alternative approach using the same material. How do they compare?

The city of Bristol

'The most beautiful, interesting and distinguished city in England.'
- John Betjeman, former poet laureate

'Alive and well and kicking like a can-can girl.'
- The Sunday Telegraph

Bristol is a multicultural city of balloons and kites, clubs and DJs, festivals and carnivals, architecture and park land, business and new technology, theatres and museums, artists and animators, music and film. It has been officially designated a 'Centre of Culture' by the Government.

Its name comes from the Old English Brycgstow, meaning 'the place at the bridge'. That's still a good description, and not just because of Brunel's renowned Clifton Suspension Bridge. Bristol is a bridge to culture, experiences, landscapes, careers - and the future.

Bristol has a history of innovation, creativity, exploration and risk taking:

  1. John Cabot sailed from here in 1497 on his historic voyage to Newfoundland.
  2. Isambard Kingdom Brunel built the Great Western Railway from London to Bristol in the 1830s.
  3. The foundations of solid-state physics were laid here in the 1930s by Nevill Mott and his team.
  4. The first public performance of the first stage work by Harold Pinter (The Room) was held here in 1957.
  5. The band Portishead recorded the groundbreaking Dummy album here in 1993.


The Sunday Telegraph described Bristol as 'Alive and well and kicking like a can-can girl'

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Bristol has been officially designated a centre of culture by the government

TrueSorry it has been designated as such. With all the things going on it is a very worthy recipient.Your answer has been saved.
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Brycgstow (the old English for Bristol) means ...

That's the right answer!Not even close. Think less literally and re-read this section of the tutorial.Your answer has been saved.
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Who sailed form Bristol in 1497 to Newfoundland?

Yes and that is why many places in Bristol are named after him.I'm sorry, maybe you should check their Wikipedia pages.Your answer has been saved.
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