Lena Wosinska

Lena Wosinska received her Ph.D. degree in Photonics and Docent degree in Optical Networking from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, where she was working in 32 years until October 2018. At KTH she was a Full Professor of Telecommunication and was founder and leader of Optical Networks Lab (ONLab), first in the School of ICT and later in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). She has been working in several EU projects and coordinating a number of national and international research projects. In October 2018 she moved to Chalmers and helped in the transition of ONLab from KTH to Chalmers in April 2019.  

She has been involved in many professional activities including serving in the panels evaluating research project proposals for many funding agencies, guest editorship of IEEE, OSA, Elsevier and Springer journals, serving as General Chair and Co-Chair of several IEEE, OSA and SPIE conferences and workshops. She has been an Associate Editor of OSA Journal of Optical Networking and IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Currently she is serving on the Editorial Board of Springer Photonic Networks Communication Journal and of Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 




Lena Wosinska

Professor in Optical Networks
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
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