Andrew Lord

Andrew joined BT in 1985 after a BA in Physics from Oxford University. He has worked on a wide range of optical network systems and technologies, including long haul subsea and terrestrial DWDM networks. He currently heads BT’s optical core and access research including quantum communications. He has published over 100 research papers. He was General Chair for the Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC) 2017 in Los Angeles. He is Visiting Professor at Essex University, a Senior Member of the IEEE and Chartered Engineer and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Lightwave Technology. He won the prestigious BT Martlesham Medal in 2018. He is currently project manager for the EU Metro-Haul Project and the UK-funded AIRQKD projects. 

Andrew heads BT’s optical core, access and quantum research. He was Chair of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference 2017 in Los Angeles. He is Visiting Professor at Essex University. He won the prestigious BT Martlesham Medal in 2018. He leads the AIRQKD UK-funded collaborative project on Free-space QKD.  

Andrew joined BT in 1985 after a BA in Physics from Oxford University. He has worked on a range of optical network systems, including long-haul subsea and terrestrial DWDM. He currently heads BT’s optical research including quantum communications. He has published over 100 research papers. He was General Chair for the Optical Fiber Communications Conference 2017 in Los Angeles. He is Visiting Professor at Essex University, a Senior Member of IEEE and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Lightwave Technology. He won the BT Martlesham Medal in 2018. He is project manager for the EU Metro-Haul Project and I-UK AIRQKD project.

Andrew Lord

Head of Optical Research at BT

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